Wireless Internet
RWU VPN Connection Setup
RWU VPN Connection Setup Table of Contents How to Download and Set Up How to Disconnect from VPN How to Download and Set Up For Windows computers: choose the file ending in “EXE”. For Apple Computers: choose the file ending in "DMG". 1. Choose ACTIONS above the file options. 2. Choose DOWNLOAD 3. WINDOWS COMPUTERS: If a box appears, asking where you would like to save the file, save it to your DOWNLOADS folder, or to a folder location that you are familiar with. 4. Open the file Downloaded in Step 4. Check off box. Choose NEXT. 5. Choose INSTALL. 6. Click FINISH 7. On your desktop, open the FortiClient VPN Icon 8. Check off box. Choose I ACCEPT. 9. Choose CONFIGURE VPN. 10. Connection Name: RWU Description: Leave Blank Remote Gateway: harbor3.rwu.edu Customize port: Check off box. Port# is 8443 Enable Single Sign On: Check off box. Click SAVE 11. Click SAML LOGIN 12. Enter your Microsoft Office 365 Credentials. 13. Check your mobile phone for an alert from DUO and ACCEPT. 14. On your computer Choose “Yes, Trust Browser”. 15. If prompted, Choose YES 16. You are now CONNECTED How to Disconnect from VPN 1. On your desktop open the Forticlient VPN Icon 2. Choose DISCONNECT
RWU VPN Connection Setup - MAC
For Apple computers: choose the file ending in “DMG”. 1. Choose ACTIONS 2. Choose DOWNLOAD APPLE COMPUTERS: If a box appears, asking where you would like to save the file, save it to your DOWNLOADS folder, or to a folder location that you are familiar with. 3. Open the file you downloaded. Choose INSTALL 4. CLICK CONTINUE 5. CLICK CONTINUE 6. Choose AGREE 7. Choose INSTALL 8. Put in the same password used to log into this Apple computer. Choose INSTALL SOFTWARE 9. You will receive a few notifications during the installation. Choose what is highlighted in RED. 10. Choose OPTIONS. Choose ALLOW. Close the 2 remaining boxes. 11. Choose CLOSE. 12. Along the top of your screen choose GO. Choose APPLICATIONS. Open the FORTICLIENT icon. 13. Check off box. Choose I ACCEPT. 14. Choose CONFIGURE VPN. 15. Connection Name: RWU Description: Leave Blank Remote Gateway: harbor3.rwu.edu Customize port: Check off box. Port# is 8443 Enable Single Sign On: Check off box. Click SAVE 16. Click SAML Login 17. If prompted: choose OPEN SECURITY & PRIVACY SETTINGS 18. Choose to ALLOW and close. 19. Choose SAML LOGIN 20. Enter your Office 365 Credentials 21. Check your mobile phone for an alert from DUO and ACCEPT 22. On your computer Choose “Yes, Trust Browser” 23. If prompted, Choose YES 24. You are now CONNECTED To disconnect from VPN 1. In the top right corner of your screen. Choose the Black Shield. Choose OPEN FORTICLIENT CONSOLE 2. Choose DISCONNECT
Eduroam instructions for Windows Computers
Eduroam instructions for Windows Computers Setup for academics domain users on university owned Windows computers as well as all users on privately owned Windows computers: 1. Open up the control panel and navigate to ‘Network and Internet’ > ‘Network and Sharing Center’ 2. Click on "Set Up a New Connection or Network". 3. Select ‘Manually connect to a wireless network’ 4. Fill in the following: Network Name: eduroam Security Type: WPA2-Enterprise Security Key (check off the box): Start this connection automatically 5. Click on "Change Connection Settings". 6. Click on the "Security" tab and then select "Settings". 7. Check off the box next to ‘Connect to these servers’, and enter the name ‘eduroam.rwu.edu’; 8. Check off the ‘Go Daddy Root Certificate Authority – G2’ as shown in the image. 9. Click on configure, and ensure that the ‘Automatically use my windows login name…’ is not checked. 10. Once complete, please click ok on both EAP boxes: 11. Click on 'Advanced Settings' 12. Click the checkbox next to ‘Specify authentication mode’, and select ‘User authentication’ from the list. 13. Select 'OK' on any remaining dialog. 14. With this set, you can now connect to the eduroam network, and enter in your username and password in the following format: Staff (RWU Domain Users): Username@rwu.edu Faculty and Staff (Academics Domain Users): Username@academics.rwu.edu
Connecting to Eduroam Network on Mac
Eduroam Instructions for Mac Users Setup for academics domain users on university owned Mac computers as well as all users on privately owned Mac computers: 1. Select the configuration options by clicking on the Wireless Icon on your toolbar and selecting Open Network Preferences. 2. Select the Join other Network from the Network Name dropdown menu. 3. In the new window, enter eduroam in the Network Name Field and select WPA2 Enterprise in the Security Drop-down list. 4. Once set, enter your username and password using the formatting below. Staff (RWU Domain Users): Username@rwu.edu Faculty and Staff (Academics Domain Users): Username@academics.rwu.edu Password: same password as the portal or bridges Click the Join button (you may need to verify changes with your Mac Admin password). Then click the Apply button on the Network Options window.
RWU Wireless Connection Guide
RWU Wireless Connection Guide Table of Contents Possible Network Connections Faculty & Staff Connection For Windows 10 Faculty & Staff Connection For Windows 11 Faculty & Staff Connection For Macs Possible Network Connections Network Users Location Notes Students1 Students Academic Buildings Requires Registration and Password Faculty & Staff Faculty and Staff Members Academic Buildings Requires Authentication RWUGuest Guests of Roger Williams University (Conference Attendees) Conference Buildings Restricted Speed and Capacity PVDEncryptedGuest Law Clinic Users Providence Campus Law Clinic Requires Authentication Faculty & Staff Connection For Windows 10 1. Click on the "Wireless Status Indicator" icon located in the bottom right hand corner of the screen: 2. Click on the "Faculty&Staff" network and click "Connect". 3. Enter your credentials when prompted with the screen below. Your credentials will be either "academics\" or "rwu\" followed by the first initial of your chosen name and your full last name for all faculty, except for Education or 'rwu\' for Staff. (For example: academics\jsmith.) This should allow you access to the 'Faculty&Staff' network. Faculty & Staff Connection For Windows 11 1. Click on the "Wireless Status Indicator" icon located in the bottom right hand corner of the screen. Then select the WIFI option at the top left hand side of the popup menu. 2. Click on the "Faculty&Staff" network and click "Connect". 3. Enter your Credentials when prompted with the screen below. Your Credentials will be either "academics\" or "rwu\" followed by the first initial of your chosen name and your full last name for all faculty, except for Education or 'rwu\' for Staff. (For example: academics\jsmith) This should allow you access to the 'Faculty&Staff' network. Faculty & Staff Connection For Macs 1. Click on the "Internet Access" icon located in the task bar in the top right hand corner of the screen. Select the "Faculty&Staff" option. 2. Enter your Credentials when prompted with the screen below. Your Credentials will be either "academics\" or "rwu\" followed by the first initial of your chosen name and your full last name for all faculty, except for Education or 'rwu\' for Staff. (For example: academics\jsmith) This should allow you access to the 'Faculty&Staff' network.
RWU Wireless Connection Guide - Android
How to connect to the Faculty&Staff network on Android 1. Find and open the Settings app on the device 2. Open the “Network and Internet” section. 3. Tap on the “Internet” menu towards the top of the screen. 4. Open the “Faculty&Staff” Wi-Fi settings. 5. If you are faculty, enter “domain\” followed by your school username in the “Identity” field. The domain “rwu.edu” Make sure that the following options are set as listed below: - EAP Method = PEAP - Phase 2 Authentication = MSCHAPV2 - CA Certificate = Use system certificates - Online Certificate Status = Do not verify (The following are in "Advanced" dropdown menu at the bottom) - Metered = Detect automatically - Proxy = None - IP settings = DHCP - Privacy = Use randomized MAC (default) The advanced settings should default to these options. 6. After you have entered your username and password, the “Connect” button should light up at the bottom, and you have successfully logged on to the network.
Wifi in Cedar, Stonewall, and Willow
Students in Cedar, Stonewall, and Willow dorms are on the Meraki Wifi system, which means students will only see Students1, and not ResNet. Please use the following steps to connect to Students1 wifi in dorms. 1. Select Students1 Wifi within your network options 2. Enter in Password: rwuhawks 3. Select connect. You are now connected to the Wifi.
Network Trouble Shooting on Laptops
Tags laptop wireless troubleshooting Sometimes, we find ourselves having trouble connecting to a wireless network. It happens to all of us. While there are some instances we will not be able to resolve the problems on our own, most of the time the fix is rather simple. Here are a list of processes you can use to in order to ensure your wireless issue is resolved. Process 1: Forget, Re-boot, Re-join. Try forgetting the wireless network. The following links will lead you to the steps for each operating system: Windows 10: http://www.thewindowsclub.com/forget-wireless-network-profiles-windows-10 Windows 8: http://www.7tutorials.com/how-delete-forget-wireless-network-profiles-windows-81 Mac OS: http://www.tp-link.com/en/faq-286.html Process 2: Release and Renew IP Address. If this process does not work for you, try releasing and renewing your IP Address: PC: http://www.techsupportforum.com/forums/f138/how-to-run-an-ipconfig-all-command-655357.html Mac OS: Open Transport (Mac OS 9.x) Click on the Apple menu. Select Control Panels and choose TCP/IP. Ensure that TCP/IP is in Advanced mode: Click Edit. Select User Mode. Select Advanced. In the TCP/IP window, click the Options button. Select Inactive. Click OK. Close the TCP/IP control panel and choose to save changes when prompted. Open the TCP/IP control panel again, as described above. Again, click the Options button. Select Active. Click OK. Close the TCP/IP control panel and again save the changes. Network Preferences (Mac OS X - 10.3 and lower) Click on the Apple menu. Select System Preferences. Click on Network (located under the Internet & Network section). Click on the Show drop-box and select Active Network Ports. Remove the check from the box next to Built-in Ethernet and click on Apply Now. Place a check back in the box next to Built-in Ethernet and click onApply Now. Network Preferences (Mac OS X - 10.4) Click on the Apple menu. Select System Preferences. Click on Network (located under the Internet & Network section). Click the drop down window that says Show in order to select the available list of network connections to select from. Click on the desired ethernet or wireless connection to renew. Click the DHCP Renew button. Network Preferences (Mac OS X - 10.5 - 10.6) Click on the Apple menu. Select System Preferences. Click on Network (located under the Internet & Network section). In the left column you will see the Ethernet and/or Wirelessavailable to select. Click on the desired ethernet or wireless connection to renew. On the right column click the Advanced button and click on DHCP Renew. Network Preferences (Mac OS X - 10.7 - 10.10) Click on the Apple menu. Select System Preferences. Click on Network (located under the Internet & Network section). In the left column you will see the Ethernet and/or Wirelessavailable to select. Click on the desired ethernet or wireless connection to renew. On the right column click the Advanced button Select the TCP/IP tab and click Renew DHCP Lease Process 3: Reset Network Adapter. If this process also does not work you will want to manually delete the network profiles. The directions are listed at the following address: https://iihelp.iinet.net.au/Resetting_Network_Adapter_(Winsock_Reset) Thank you for taking the time to try and resolve the problem yourself! If you are still experiencing an issue, please stop by the Media Tech Desk and we will be more than happy to assist you!
Eduroam Connection Guide - Iphone
Instructions how to connect to EDUROAM on iPhone 1. Go into your settings and click on the Wi-Fi option. You should see a list of connections, select eduroam. 2. Enter in your credentials. Depending on your role in the University, your username will be one of the following: Staff: username@rwu.edu Faculty: username@academics.rwu. Your password should be the password that your use for bridges, and other RWU associated applications. 3. You will then be prompted to trust the certificate, click on the trust option. 4. You are now connected to eduroam!
Using Android mobile phone as WIFI hotspot (tethering)
Using Android mobile phone as WIFI hotspot (tethering) Enable Mobile Hotspot on phone If supported by phone, this option is typically found under Settings > Connections. Note you may be asked to disconnect active WIFI connections before enabling the phone as a WIFI hotspot. Next select the sub menu to activate Mobile Hotspot and Tethering Next, enable Mobile Hot Spot option – this enables the phone as a WIFI hotspot for other devices to connect through Set security password to prohibit your phone from becoming an open access point. Tether Computer to Mobile Phone Hotspot Start computer and search for available WIFI networks. Connect to the WIFI network matching the network name configured on the mobile device, followed by the security password you created earlier. Your computer should now be able to access the Internet over the phones cellular network. To disable mobile hotspot, go back to Settings>Connections>Mobile Hotspot and turn off option