RWU MediaTech Portal


Wifi in Cedar, Stonewall, and Willow

Modified on: Tue, Dec 17 2024 7:24 PM

Students in Cedar, Stonewall, and Willow dorms are on the Meraki Wifi system, which means students will only see Students1, and not ResNet. Please use the following steps to connect to Students1 wifi in dorms.  

  1. 1. Select Students1 Wifi within your network options

Screenshot of Wifi Connection on User laptops. The Students1 Network is selected, the connect button located at the bottom right hand side of the selection. 

  1. 2. Enter in Password: rwuhawks  


    Screenshot of the Students1 Network. In the password box below the Network name, the user typed 'rwuhawks'. Under the box is the Next button.

  3. 3. Select connect. You are now connected to the Wifi 

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