RWU MediaTech Portal


RWU Wireless Connection Guide

Modified on: Sat, Sep 7 2024 1:29 PM

RWU Wireless Connection Guide

Table of Contents

Possible Network Connections





Students1 Students Academic Buildings Requires Registration and Password
Faculty & Staff Faculty and Staff Members Academic Buildings Requires Authentication
RWUGuest Guests of Roger Williams University (Conference Attendees) Conference Buildings Restricted Speed and Capacity
PVDEncryptedGuest Law Clinic Users Providence Campus Law Clinic Requires Authentication

Faculty & Staff Connection For Windows 10

1. Click on the "Wireless Status Indicator" icon located in the bottom right hand corner of the screen:

WIFI Indicator on the bottom right hand side of the Desktop screen. Indicator is highlighted with a red box and arrow 

2. Click on the "Faculty&Staff" network and click "Connect".

Screenshot of Network options. The Faculy&Staff network is highlighted with a red box and a blue hue.

3. Enter your credentials when prompted with the screen below. Your credentials will be either "academics\" or "rwu\" followed by the first initial of your chosen name and your full last name for all faculty, except for Education or 'rwu\' for Staff. (For example: academics\jsmith.) This should allow you access to the 'Faculty&Staff' network.

Faculy&Staff network credential screen.

Faculty & Staff Connection For Windows 11

1. Click on the "Wireless Status Indicator" icon located in the bottom right hand corner of the screen. Then select the WIFI option at the top left hand side of the popup menu.

Wireless indicator icon. Icon is highlighted with a red box and red arrow.

Screenshot of pop up menu options. WIFI option is highlighted with a red box.

2. Click on the "Faculty&Staff" network and click "Connect".

Network options. Faculty and Staff is highlighted with a red box

3. Enter your Credentials when prompted with the screen below. Your Credentials will be either "academics\" or "rwu\" followed by the first initial of your chosen name and your full last name for all faculty, except for Education or 'rwu\' for Staff. (For example: academics\jsmith) This should allow you access to the 'Faculty&Staff' network.

Faculty and Staff authentication. Credential boxes are highlighted with a light blue line along the left side.

Faculty & Staff Connection For Macs

1. Click on the "Internet Access" icon located in the task bar in the top right hand corner of the screen. Select the "Faculty&Staff" option.

Network options on Mac. Faculty and Staff is highlighted with a red box, red arrow, and blue hue.

2. Enter your Credentials when prompted with the screen below. Your Credentials will be either "academics\" or "rwu\" followed by the first initial of your chosen name and your full last name for all faculty, except for Education or 'rwu\' for Staff. (For example: academics\jsmith) This should allow you access to the 'Faculty&Staff' network.

Credential login. Username and Password boxes are highlighted with a red box and red arrow.

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