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RWU VPN Connection Setup

Modified on: Tue, Aug 20 2024 9:44 AM

RWU VPN Connection Setup

Table of Contents

How to Download and Set Up

For Windows computers: choose the file ending in “EXE”.

For Apple Computers: choose the file ending in "DMG".

Selection of VPN option to download for Windows computers. A red box highlights the seclection option for FortiClientVPNSetup_7.0.8.0427_x64.exe

1.    Choose ACTIONS above the file options.

Screenshot highlighting Actions option above the files with a red box

2.    Choose DOWNLOAD


Screenshot highlighting the download option from the Actions dropdown menu with a red box

3.    WINDOWS COMPUTERS: If a box appears, asking where you would like to save the file, save it to your DOWNLOADS folder, or to a folder location that you are familiar with.

Windows File Explorer highlighting File name and Folder location to save VPN download file.

4.    Open the file Downloaded in Step 4. Check off box. Choose NEXT.

Forticlient Start Up Wizard. The checked box and Next buttons at the bottom are highlighted with a red box. 

5.    Choose INSTALL.

Forticlient installation screen

6.    Click FINISH

Finished FortiClient VPN Setup Wizard screen

7.    On your desktop, open the FortiClient VPN Icon

FortiClient Icon. Icon is of a Blue shield with a white grid in the center and a white outline


8.    Check off box. Choose I ACCEPT.

FortiClient Homepage. A blue computer with a Blue globe in the back are on the page center and a check box with an "I Accept" button are at the bottom.

9.    Choose CONFIGURE VPN.

Forticlient VPN home page. Under the Blue laptop with the Blue Globe is a Configure VPN option



Connection Name: RWU

Description: Leave Blank

Remote Gateway: 

Customize port: Check off box. 

Port# is 8443 

Enable Single Sign On: Check off box.

VPN configuration Screen

Click SAVE

11.    Click SAML LOGIN

VPN home page once VPN has been configured. Under the Blue laptop and globe is a drop down menu and a blue SAML login button


12.    Enter your Microsoft Office 365 Credentials.

13.    Check your mobile phone for an alert from DUO and ACCEPT.

14.    On your computer Choose “Yes, Trust Browser”.

Duo Phone screen asking if the Browser can be trusted

15.    If prompted, Choose YES

Microsoft Sign in Asking user if they want to stay Signed In


16.    You are now CONNECTED

Screenshot displaying VPN screen when connected. A blue laptop with a lock and a Blue globe are connected by a green dotted line in the center of the screen. Below is information regarding the VPN use.

How to Disconnect from VPN

1.    On your desktop open the Forticlient VPN Icon

FortiClient Icon. Icon is of a Blue shield with a white grid in the center and a white outline

2.    Choose DISCONNECT

VPN screen when connected. A blue laptop with a lock and a Blue globe are connected by a green dotted line in the center of the screen. Below is information regarding the VPN use. The blue disconnect button at the bottom of the screen is highlighted with a red box.

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