RWU MediaTech Portal


Eduroam Connection Guide - Iphone

Modified on: Sat, Jul 20 2024 3:49 PM

Instructions how to connect to EDUROAM on iPhone 


1. Go into your settings and click on the Wi-Fi option. You should see a list of connections, select eduroam.


Screenshot of IPhone General Settings. Image shows the WIFI settings selected, showing the different networks users can connect to.


2. Enter in your credentials. Depending on your role in the University, your username will be one of the following: 


Faculty: username@academics.rwu. 

Your password should be the password that your use for bridges, and other RWU associated applications. 


Screenshot of eduroam connection. Image shows IPhone asking for user to sign in with their credentials.


3. You will then be prompted to trust the certificate, click on the trust option. 

Screenshot of eduroam Certificate selection. At the top right hand of the screen is the option to Trust.


4. You are now connected to eduroam!

Screenshot of successful connection to eduroam, a blue checkmark to the left hand side of the connection name.










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