How to Use Media Help Desk Portal
MediaTech Helpdesk Login to Freshservice - Mobile App
MediaTech Helpdesk Login to Freshservice - Computer
1. Navigate to Select Login at the top right hand of the screen. 2. Select the "Sign in With Office 365" button. 3. Sign in using your university Microsoft O365 credentials. 4. You are now logged in to the MediaTech Help Desk Support Portal.
How to Request A Service
1. Login to the MediaTech Support Portal and select the Request a Service button. 2. Navigate the Service Catalog with the menu on the left. 3. Select the Desired Request form. If unable to find a specific form, use the General Request form. 4. Fill out desired fields on the form. Press the “Place Request” button in the bottom right corner. 5. A pop-up prompt will ask who is submitting the request. Check the box to request someone else and enter their email. Press the “Complete” button in the bottom right. 6. This is now a completed service. Responses from agents and yourself will appear in the portal as well as in your email inbox.
How to search for a Solution
1. Login to Select Browse Helpful Articles. * See here how to log into the Media Tech Service Portal 2. Once Inside the portal, there are two ways to search: Via the Search bar in the top right or navigating the menu bar on the left. The knowledge base is set up by category > application > article.
How to Approve a Service Request
Service Requests are used to streamline requests for users. Some requests require approved access from the department head. Use the following steps to approve a Service Request in Freshservice. 1. Once a request has been made, the approver will receive an email to approve the request. Select the approval links. 2. Login into using your RWU Microsoft credentials. 3. Select Approve Requests button. 4. Select the request you are approving. 5. Select the Approval tab. 6. Click the box with your name. Select Approve.