Connecting to Eduroam Network on Mac 2024
Eduroam Instructions for Mac Users
Setup for academics domain users on university owned Mac computers as well as all users
on privately owned Mac computers:
1.) Select the Wi-Fi Settings
by clicking on the wireless icon on your toolbar
2.) Locate the "eduroam" Wi-Fi under the "Other Networks" section and click "Connect"
3.) Set Identity to "None"
4.) Enter your 0365 Credentials Account Name: Enter your RWU Microsoft O365 email Address:
Password: Same password as Outlook and Roger Central
Click the Ok button (you may need to verify changes with your Mac Admin password)
If prompted to verify the certificate when authenticating to the "eduroam" network, please select the "Continue" button.
If prompted to verify the certificate when authenticating to the "eduroam" network, please select the "Continue" button.