Zoom is the leader in modern enterprise video communications, with an easy, reliable cloud platform for video and audio conferencing, collaboration, chat, and webinars across mobile devices, desktops, telephones, and room systems.
Zoom Wireless (WiFi) Connection Issues
Zoom Wireless (WiFi) Connection Issues Link to Zoom Article: Wireless (WiFi) Connection Issues If you are experiencing any issue(s) with latency, frozen screen, poor quality audio, or meeting getting disconnected while using a home or non-enterprise WiFi connection, try the following: Watch a video about WiFi connectivity Check your Internet bandwidth using an online speed test, such as nperf, Speedtest, or Comparitech Try to connect directly via Wired (if your internet router has wired ports) Try bringing your computer or mobile device closer to the WiFi router or access point in your home or office Upgrade your WiFI router firmware. Check your WiFi router vendor support site for firmware upgrade availability. Use a WiFi extender such as Amped Wireless or Linksys to increase the distance and strength of your WiFi signal Use a higher powered/long-range WiFi such as Amped Wireless router or adapter to increase the WiFi signal on your PC or Mac [Home] Use a DOCSIS 3.0 cable modem (if you have cable modem) to improve internet performance If you are on corporate WiFi, try the following: Switch to a Wired connection Switch to a different WiFi hostpot if possible Check your Internet bandwidth using an online speed test, such as nperf, Speedtest, or Comparitech Contact your corporate IT department to check your WiFi hotspot Turn off group HD in your Account Management if your WiFI bandwidth is insufficient Turn off your corporate VPN if it's not required for the meeting You can also join a test meeting.
Sharing your iPad/iPhone in Zoom
1. Open Zoom on your iPad/iPhone. 2. Join the Zoom meeting in progress for that class – you do not have to log in. 3. Enter the meeting ID & password. You can find the meeting ID & Password by clicking on the, “Participants” button on your computer. At the bottom of the Participants pane, click, “Invite.” At the top of the box that appears is the meeting ID. At the bottom of the box is the meeting Password (passwords are case sensitive). 4. On the computer screen, in the Participants’ Pane, hover over then Name of the iPad/iPhone and click on the, “More” button. From the list, select, “Make Host” // "Make Host" option can also be found by right clicking the participants name. 5. Once the iPad/iPhone is made the host, share as you normally would in Zoom. 6. Reverse the process to make the original Host device the host again.
Zoom Help Center
Please visit the link below to view Zoom's Help Center, which provides in-depth information on the Zoom application. Zoom Help Center
Zoom security: Your meetings will be safe and secure if you do these 10 things
1. PASSWORD PROTECT YOUR MEETINGS The simplest way to prevent unwanted attendees and hijacking is to set a password for your meeting. Passwords can be set at the individual meeting, user, group, or account level for all sessions. In order to do so, first sign in with your account at the Zoom web portal. If you want to set up a password at the individual meeting level, head straight over to the "Settings" tab and enable "Require a password when scheduling new meetings", which will ensure a password will be generated when a meeting is scheduled. All participants require the password to join the meeting. Subscription holders can also choose to go into "Group Management" to require that everyone follows the same password practices. 2. AUTHENTICATE USERS When creating a new event, you should choose to only allow signed-in users to participate. 3. JOIN BEFORE HOST Do not allow others to join a meeting before you, as the host, have arrived. You can enforce this setting for a group under "Account Settings." 4. LOCK DOWN YOUR MEETING Once a session has begun, head over to the "Manage Participants" tab, click "More," and choose to "lock" your meeting as soon as every expected participant has arrived. This will prevent others from joining even if meeting IDs or access details have been leaked. 5. TURN OFF PARTICIPANT SCREEN SHARING No-one wants to see pornographic material shared by a Zoom bomber, and so disabling the ability for meeting attendees to share their screens is worthwhile. This option can be accessed from the new "Security" tab in active sessions. 6. USE A RANDOMLY-GENERATED ID You should not use your personal meeting ID if possible, as this could pave the way for pranksters or attackers that know it to disrupt online sessions. Instead, choose a randomly generated ID for meetings when creating a new event. In addition, you should not share your personal ID publicly. 7. USE WAITING ROOMS The Waiting Room feature is a way to screen participants before they are allowed to enter a meeting. While legitimately useful for purposes including interviews or virtual office hours, this also gives hosts greater control over session security. 8. AVOID FILE SHARING Be careful with the file-sharing feature of meetings, especially if users that you don't recognize are sending content across, as it may be malicious. Instead, share material using a trusted service such as Box or Google Drive. At the time of writing, Zoom has disabled this feature anyway due to a "potential security vulnerability." 9. REMOVE NUISANCE ATTENDEES If you find that someone is disrupting a meeting, you can kick them out under the "Participants" tab. Hover over the name, click "More," and remove them. You can also make sure they cannot rejoin by disabling "Allow Removed Participants to Rejoin" under the "Settings: Meetings - Basic" tab. 10. CHECK FOR UPDATES As security issues crop up and patches are deployed or functions are disabled, you should make sure you have the latest build. In order to check, open the desktop application, click on your profile in the top-right, and select "Check for updates."
Logging into a RWU Zoom account
Logging into a RWU Zoom account Log into Zoom and establish your account. This only has to happen initially. Log into Zoom (https://rwu.zoom.us) Select Sign In When prompted, please log in with your Microsoft credentials. Below are the formats for the credentials. a. Students: first initial of your first name + Last name + the 3 numbers assigned to you + followed by @students.rwu.edu b. Faculty/Staff: first initial of their first name + Last name + the 3 numbers assigned to you + followed by @rwu.edu Your password will be the same as your other accounts (Bridges, Email, etc.) You are all set! You have now logged into your RWU Zoom Account.
RWU Zoom Cheat Sheet
RWU Zoom Cheat Sheet Table of Contents Scheduling a Meeting: Through Web Portal Personal Meeting ID (PMI) Schedule Privilege Zoom Client Outlook Plugin Alternative Host Meeting Controls Audio Video Invite and Manage Participants Share Screen Chat Record Meeting Need more help? Scheduling a Meeting: Through Web Portal: Go to rwu.zoom.us Select Sign in with SSO and use your Microsoft Credentials to log in. Click Schedule a Meeting in the top navigation bar. Input meeting details and click Save. Copy the Join URL or click Copy the invitation and send it to attendees through your email and calendar client. Personal Meeting ID (PMI): The ID is assigned to you automatically as a permanent virtual room. You can start it at any time or schedule it for future use. To change your PMI, go to your Profile on the web portal and click Edit. Schedule Privilege: You can assign a user in your account to schedule meetings on your behalf. Note: this user must have already logged onto their account at rwu.zoom.us Go to the Meeting Settings section of the web portal. In the Schedule Privilege section, click Add to add a user. Have the user open the Zoom client. Have the user log out and log in again (one time only). Have the user click Schedule and select your name in the Schedule drop-down menu Zoom Client: Launch the Zoom Application and click Schedule. For more information, please read the following solution article: Zoom Client - Schedule Meetings Outlook Plugin: Download the Zoom Microsoft Outlook Plugin MSI file from the Zoom Download Center. Select the Schedule a Meeting button in the ribbon of the Outlook application. Input your meeting details and select Send. A calendar invitation will appear with the Zoom information generated automatically. Alternative Host: Schedule a meeting through the rwu.zoom.us Select Advance Options and input the user email(s) separated by a semicolon in the Alternative Hosts section. The alternative host can now host your Zoom meeting by using the join URL after logging in, or the alternative host can log in to the Zoom application and join the meeting via the Meeting ID. The first alternative host to join before the meeting scheduler will be granted host controls. The scheduler can reclaim host controls by going to Participants and selecting Reclaim Host. For more information, please read the following solution article: Draft Meeting Controls Audio: After joining or starting a meeting, you can join audio by phone or by computer. Choose Join Audio by Computer to connect your computer’s speaker and microphone to the Zoom Meeting. You can test your audio connection before joining by clicking the Test Computer Audio link. Video: Before or during a meeting, click Settings in the Zoom App menu. Click on the video tab to preview your camera or click the drop-down arrow to choose a different camera. During a meeting, click Video in the meeting toolbar to start or stop your video. For more information on Audio and Video Setup, please read the following solution article: Draft Invite and Manage Participants: During a meeting, click Invite to send the meeting information to more participants by email, Zoom chat, phone, or room system. If you’re a meeting host, you can manage participants (mute/unmute, control meeting entries, etc.) Attendees can only view other participants. Share Screen: After selecting Shar Screen located in your meeting toolbar, you can choose to share your desktop, an individual application/window, or start a Whiteboard. During your screen share, select Annotate to use screen share tools for drawing, pointing, etc. Any attendee in your meeting can start annotating on a shared screen. The attendees can access Annotate in the upper meeting toolbar. Chat: Click Chat in the toolbar to instantly message other participants while in a meeting. In the Chat panel, click the dropdown to select whether you want the message to go to everyone in the meeting or a single participant. Record Meeting: If you are a host, you can record the meeting. Click Record in the meeting toolbar. Click the arrow on the Record icon to choose to save the recording to the Cloud or to your computer. Recording to the cloud is more convenient when recording with a classroom computer. Access your cloud recordings from the web portal under the Recordings tab. Need more help? For help and assistance, call the Media Tech Desk at 401-254-6363 opt. 1 For more about Zoom Features, how-to’s, training, and support, visit support.zoom.us
"This meeting is for authorized participants only" Prompt fix.
Zoom Meeting: Authorized Participants Prompt "This meeting is for authorized participants only" Prompt fix If you receive the following prompt, please follow the steps below to log into your RWU issued Zoom account. 1. Select “Sign in to Join” 2. Select “Sign in with SSO”. This step is important for ensuring you log into your RWU-Issued account. 3. You will be prompted for your company domain. Please type in “rwu” (without quotation marks) and select “Continue”. 4. You will be redirected to the Microsoft login. When prompted, please log in with your Microsoft credentials. Below are the formats for the credentials. Students: first initial of your first name + Last name + the 3 numbers assigned to you + followed by @students.rwu.edu Faculty/Staff: first initial of their first name + Last name + the 3 numbers assigned to you + followed by @rwu.edu c. Your password will be the same as your other accounts (Bridges, Email, etc.) 5. You are all set! You have now logged into your RWU Zoom Account. If any issues occur, please contact mediatech@rwu.edu .
Zoom Client - Schedule Meetings
Schedule Meeting In Zoom Client 1. Open your Zoom client and sign in to Zoom. 2. Click on the Schedule icon. Schedule Meeting Terms: Topic: Enter a topic or name for your meeting. Start: Select a date and time for your meeting. You can start your meeting at any time before the scheduled time. Duration: Choose the approximate duration of the meeting. This is only for scheduling purposes. The meeting will not end after this length of time. Time Zone: By default, Zoom will use your computer's time zone. Click the drop-down menu to select a different time zone. Recurring meeting: Choose if you would like a recurring meeting (the meeting ID will remain the same for each session). Video Host: Choose if you would like the host video on or off when joining the meeting. Even if you choose off, the host will have the option to start their video. Participant: Choose if you would like the participants' videos on or off when joining the meeting. Even if you turn off, the participants will have the option to start their video. Audio: Choose whether to allow users to call in via Telephone only, Computer Audio only, Both, or 3rd Party Audio (if enabled for your account). Advanced Options: Click on the arrow to view additional meeting options. Require meeting password: You can select and input your meeting password here. Joining participants will be required to input this before joining your scheduled meeting. Note: The meeting password must meet these requirements. 10 characters maximum Passwords are case sensitive We recommend using alphanumeric characters and these special characters: @ * _ - The Zoom desktop client allows alphanumeric characters and these special characters: @ * _ - The Zoom web portal allows any characters, but the these characters are not allowed: & <> Enable join before host: Allow participants to join the meeting without you or before you join. The meeting will end after 40-minutes for Basic (free) users if 3 or more people join the meeting. Mute participants on entry: If join before host is not enabled, this will mute participants as they join the meeting. Participants can unmute themselves after joining the meeting. Note: To mute all participants currently in a meeting, see the options to manage participants. Use Personal Meeting ID: Check this if you want to use your Personal MeetingID. If not selected, a random unique meeting ID will be generated. Record the meeting automatically: Check this if you want the meeting to be automatically recorded. Select if you want it to be recorded locally (to your computer) or to the cloud (zoom.us/recording). List on Public Event List: Post the meeting on the public meeting/webinar list so that anyone can view it. We recommend you add a meeting password to secure your meeting. Schedule For: If you have scheduling privilege for another user, you will be able to choose who you want to schedule for from the drop-down menu. Alternative hosts: Enter the email address of another Zoom user who is Licensed, on your account to allow them to start the meeting in your absence. Read more about Alternative Host. Calendar: Select a calendar service to add the meeting to and send out invites to participants. 3. Click Schedule to finish, and open the selected calendar service to add the meeting. Note: If you are scheduling a recurring meeting, you will need to set the recurrence in your calendar service. Choosing Other Calendars will allow you to copy and paste the scheduled meeting information such as date, time, and meeting URL.
Zoom Learning Center
The Zoom Learning Center offers a growing list of on-demand courses, live training, and short videos designed to give you just what you need when you need it. Whether you’re a new user looking for help joining your first meeting, or a Zoom Administrator setting up Zoom Phones, we’ve got you covered. Enroll in an On-demand course! Not sure what to take or how to get started? Check out the course catalog and enroll today. Register for a Live Training Session! Get tips, tricks, and real-time demonstrations from one of Zoom’s expert trainers in a live training session. Register here! View the Video Tutorials If you’re looking for quick help on a specific skill or feature, explore our vast “Show Me” video collection. View video collection here! We hope you’re as excited as we are. The Zoom Learning Center is just one more way we hope to deliver happiness to you!
Zoom Wireless (WiFi) Connection Issues