Merging Courses (Bridges)
Merging Courses in Bridges
Merging courses is normally a process by which an instructor would like to merge two sections of the same course together or two different cross-listed sections together in order to post to only one course.
Normally a "master" course is chosen as the main course, and the enrollments of the "children" courses are then added to that master course.

In Bridges
Merging courses is possible, however there are with a number of caveats:
- It is a manual process of moving students from one course into another (ie from child course(s) into master course).
- The child course(s) becomes unpublished, the master course is renamed to include all sections, and all students do work in the master course.
Child course enrollments in the master do not update - so one must manually check the child course to see if someone has dropped/added and then change that enrollment in the master course (Instructions).
Merging courses is therefore only recommended if an instructor will only be posting information for both sections that is not time or section specific.
It is not recommended for courses that require online assessments that need to be taken at different times with different groups.
To request a course merge, please email with the following:
- Course names of all courses to be merged
- Master course
Given the manual nature of the merging it is also best done as close to the beginning of the semester as possible to mitigate add/drop issues.
For further assistance, please email