What's New in Bridges (Sakai) 23?

New more modern layout
- Courses are now listed on the left menu and can be pinned
- Site menu remains the same on top left and added at the bottom
- Collapsible side menus
- Icon changes for tools
- Ability to copy out from another course (layout only)
- Formatting in document (Rich Text editor) is highlighted
- New! One can keep forums visible but students can't add content
- Further breakdown of student posts into - Authored – New; Authored – Replies; Authored – Total
- Gradebook buttons have moved over to the left
- New! Quick Entry for grades
- Course Grade Breakdown updated
- Date picker has been updated
- New grading button in the assignment which pops out when grading
- Drop down rubrics
- User photos show up with submissions
- New annotation tool in the grading view
- *Gradebook columns are automatically created for assignments with point-value. It is no longer optional.
- Display warning and rubric point value in the association drop-down menu when points are mismatched
- Save Rubric as Draft now available
- Ability to change Criterion and Rubric titles while locked (but not point values). Rubric locks after the first person takes the associated assessment
- Ability to create criterion groups for rubrics
- Ability to use Basic format (bold, italic) on Criterion Description
- New! Dated conversation appear on the calendar
- Ability to change nicknames
Tests and Quizzes
- User photos will show up
- Improvements in performance
- Improved error handling around auto- submit (per Sakai)
- Warning message about multiple tabs when beginning and assessment
Here is what you might see!
User Interface - The overall look, feel, and interactivity of Sakai has been refreshed and modernized.

Collapsible tool menu for more screen real estate.

Customizable user dashboard with course tiles so instructors can have the ability to add an image to identify their course.

Site Drawer has an updated look:

Please note that the Bridges application can found in the 0365 application, in the applications widget under Teaching and Learning:

For further assistance, please email id@rwu.edu