RWU MediaTech Portal


Share Files Securely with "Sendto"

Modified on: Tue, Aug 9 2022 2:34 PM

1. Navigate to and Login using your RWU credentials.  

NOTE: if your RWU credential do not work, please open a ticket with Media Tech requesting access to website page with login 

2. To upload the file you wish to share: click the plus + button in the top left corner of the home page. home page with plus button boxed in the top left corner 

3. Select "Upload File. "

Plus button drop down menu options. Options are upload file, new folder, and new text document. Upload file is boxed. 

4. Select the file from your computer, then select open.  

computer file pop up with document boxed and open button boxed 

5. To share an uploaded file: click the file you wish to share, followed by the share icon.  This will expand the file sharing menu options. 

document select and share button boxed 

NOTE: the "Toggle Grid View" option in the upper right corner of the screen provides alternative file viewing options and commands that can also be accessed via the three dots (...).   

Alternative Toggle View from main page. Boxed Share button.

6. Under the "Sharing" tab, select the plus button (+) to the right of the Share Link option to create and copy the hyperlink that will be used by the recipient to download the file.  

Left menu options with boxed Share link. 

7. To add security: check Password Protect to generate a password needed by the recipient to download the file.  Check the expiration date option to establish a time when the shared file link will expire.  

Security field settings. Boxed Password protect and Set Expiration date. 

8. Paste the hyperlink to download the file in an email to to the recipient. NOTE: Do not include the password in the email; rather relay the password to the recipient via a phone call.  

Drafted email with sento link. 

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