RWU MediaTech Portal


LinkedIn Learning - Connecting a LinkedIn Account

Modified on: Tue, Jul 23 2024 8:33 AM

RWU offers LinkedIn Learning access to students, faculty, and staff through the University licensing. LinkedIn Learning profiles can be linked to personal (non-RWU affiliated) LinkedIn profiles. See the steps below to connect your personal LinkedIn Account to the RWU licensed LinkedIn Learning Account. 

1. Login to your RWU LinkedIn Learning Profile and select the “Me” Icon in the top right corner. 

Screenshot of LinkedIn Learning homepage. The "Me" icon at the top right hand of the screen is highlighted with a yellow circle. 

2. Select Settings option from “Me” drop down menu. 

Screenshot of LinkedIn Learning homepage. After clicking the "Me" icon is selected, a drop down menu appears. The "settings" option is highlighted with a yellow box and yellow arrow. 

3. Scroll to find the Connect your LinkedIn Account SectionSelect “Connect my Account.” 

Screenshot of LinkedIn learning settings. The option to "Connect my Account" is highlighted with a yellow box. 

4. Login using your LinkedIn Account Credentials.  

Screenshot of LinkedIn learning sign in page. 

5. Verify the information and Select "Accept and Continue." 

  Screenshot of LinkedIn Learning having user to confirm their identity. the button to "Accept and continue as User" is highlighted with a yellow box 

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