RWU MediaTech Portal


How to Request A Service

Modified on: Thu, Apr 27 2023 6:45 PM

1Login to the MediaTech Support Portal and select the Request a Service button.  

Support portal with options to search with search bar, or buttons to browse help articles, report an issue, request a service, or approve requests. 

2. Navigate the Service Catalog with the menu on the left.  

Service catalog with menu on left side. Select a menu category and search through listed service request forms. 

3. Select the Desired Request form. If unable to find a specific form, use the General Request form.  

Service catalog menu option selected General Service Request. Highlighted form General Service Request Form. 

4. Fill out desired fields on the form. Press the “Place Request” button in the bottom right corner.  

General Service Request form with required fields to enter Title and description. Highlighted Place request button in bottom right corner. t 

5. A pop-up prompt will ask who is submitting the request. Check the box to request someone else and enter their email. Press the “Complete” button in the bottom right. 

Pop up prompt on left side of screen titled Item's Requested. Requestor box field auto-populated with user's email address. Option box checked titled request for someone else with next box request for field. Highlighted Complete button on bottom right. 


6. This is now a completed service. Responses from agents and yourself will appear in the portal as well as in your email inbox.

Completed Service request form. 

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