Download Microsoft Office for Students

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Downloading Microsoft Applications

Students have the ability to download Microsoft applications using their RWU Microsoft O365 account.

To log into your Microsoft O365 account, please refer to Students New RWU O365 Accounts.

1Once you have logged onto your RWU Microsoft O365 account, click on the Install Apps button on the right hand side.

Microsft O365 Web homescreen. A red box and arrow highlight the Install Apps button on the right hand side of the screen.

2. Once clicked on, a drop down menu will appear. Select the option that reads Microsoft O365 Apps.

Microsft O365 Web homescreen. A red box and arrow highlight a drop down menu that reads Micrososft 365 apps and Other Options.

3. Once this has been selected, a file will automatically begin to download. After the file has finished downloading, click on it to open it. 

Screenshot of on screen instructions for downloading the applications.

4. When the file is selected to open, a message will appear on screen asking if you want this app to make changes to the device. Select yes.

5. The applications will begin to download. Once the download is finished, you will be able to access the applications and sign in using your Microsoft O365 account.

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