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PDF Files Can Now Be Edited And Re-Saved In MS Word

Modified on: Tue, Dec 17 2024 7:02 PM

PDF Files Can Now Be Edited And Re-Saved In MS Word

New features in both Microsoft Word 2013 and Adobe Acrobat Pro X allow users to easily convert pdf files into MS Word format for editing and then re-save them as pdf files. Here's how!

1. Open a .pdf file in Adobe Acrobat Pro X (note - this does not work in the free Reader version of Acrobat).

2. Choose File > Save As > Microsoft Word - Word Document (remember to note where you save the document).

3. Open the MS Word version of the document and make your changes.

4. Save the file so the changes made to the MS Word version of the document are retained.

5. Choose "Save As" - select PDF from the "File of Type" drop down options.


This procedure will create two copies of the document. One version can be edited in MS Word and the other can be circulated as a PDF.

The PDF version can be distributed and the MS Word version can be retained in case there are future changes to be made.


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