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Schedule a Meeting in MS Teams from Office 365

Modified on: Sat, Jul 20 2024 4:22 PM

Schedule a Meeting in MS Teams from Office 365


1.) Please open a web browser, and navigate to to log into Office 365 (your email). 

2.) Select the “Teams” application in the grid. 

Screenshot of Microsoft O365 Applications list on the left hand side of the Screen. The Teams Icon is highlighted with a yellow square.


3.) From Teams, click on “Calendar” on the left side menu. 

Screenshot of the Teams (web version) task bar located on the left hand side of the screen. The Calendar icon is highlighted with a Blue hue.

4.) Select “New meeting” in the top right corner.

New Meeting icon

5.) The scheduling form is where you’ll give your meeting a title, invite people, and add meeting details. Use the Scheduling Assistant to find a time that works for everyone. 

Once details are completed, select Send. This will close the scheduling form and send an invite to everyone’s Outlook or Gmail inbox

Screenshot of New Meeting details.

Start Meeting 

Teams meeting will show a Join button on an event in your calendar five minutes before the start of a meeting. Once someone joins the meeting, the event will change colors to let you know they’re online. 

Screenshot of Join button.

Select Join to open the meeting settings window to confirm your preferred camera and mic settings before joining the online meeting. 


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