How to Republish a Bridges course

Bridges courses are automatically unpublished 60 days after the end date of the course.
This means that:
Faculty/Instructors will still see and access all their Bridges course sites as usual.
Students will no longer see or be able to access previous courses. These courses will still be visible to students under the My Courses button on the Home page but the links will be greyed out and the status column marked Unpublished.
If you have students working on an Incomplete from any of these courses or you want a previous course to be accessible to students, you have two choices:
A: Unpublish course for All students
Reactivate the course by clicking on Unpublished Site [Publish Now] in the center of the yellow banner - This will make it visible and accessible to all students again.

B: Unpublish course for a select few students
1. Reactivate the course by clicking on Unpublished Site [Publish Now] in the center of the yellow banner

2. Click on Site Info

3. Click on Manage Participants
4. Under the status column, change the Active to Inactive using the down arrow button. Do this for all of your students that you do not want to have access and only leave the student who needs access Active. This will make the course visible and accessible to that student(s). Click Update Participants.
For further assistance, please email